Toxic Substances Control Act
Compliance Guide and Service

Environment Books, LLC

"The world's leading source of up-to-date TSCA information"


You Recieve:

1. The 6-Volume Set

2. Full-Text Searchable Internet Access (available only to subscribers) to:

A. All 6 Volumes

B. Additional Compliance Documents

C. The Current TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances

The TSCA Compliance Guide and Online Service is an extensively researched compliance tool and reference set published for environmental managers, regulatory compliance officers, legal counsel and others who must keep abreast of current information on compliance with the Toxic Substances Control Act.

You will receive quarterly updates to the 6-Volume loose-leaf service. Updates consist of supplements and replacement pages including all new and modified regulations, any changes in the TSCA Act, new explanatory text, and other compliance-oriented information.

Also, you will have full-text searchable electronic access to all 6 Volumes PLUS additional compliance documents, PLUS the current TSCA INVENTORY OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES.

The TSCA Compliance Guide and Online Service provides current information to help maximize compliance and minimize risks of TSCA violations.

About the Online Service

The Online Service is your one-stop destination for all of your TSCA compliance and information needs

The Online Service provides fast, easy access to the TSCA Compliance Guide and Service, as well as additional TSCA compliance guidance and documents. As a subscriber, you can quickly access any information through the Online Table of Contents, and easily move from one chapter to another via hyperlinks that connect related information throughout the book.

With one click, TSCA SEARCH™ electronically searches all TSCA regulations, Q&As, Explanatory Texts, other guidance documents and the TSCA Inventory for any chemical name, CAS Number, word, phrase, etc. that you select. Also, logic searches allow you to rapidly search for combinations of words or phrases within TSCA regulations and guidance documents, like the combination "Research and Development" and "test marketing", for example; or you can search for a selected chemical name or CAS Number and the phrase "export notification." Documents with those combinations are then displayed for you to link to.

Anywhere, Anytime. Access the Online service from anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection, 24 hours/365 days per year.

The current TSCA INVENTORY OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES is also Online and is fully searchable. You can electronically search for any CAS Number or any part of a chemical name (CAS name, common name, etc.). Thus you can quickly determine if a chemical is on the TSCA INVENTORY. Also, you can find all chemicals on the Inventory whose names include the chemical name terms that you specify.

We are pleased to provide you with this advanced compliance tool.

  • TSCA is widely applicable, with significant requirements affecting any business that uses, processes, or makes chemcials.

  • EPA can find TSCA violations by reviewing standard corporate records, thus making EPA inspections easier.

  • Six figure penalties are the norm, and million dollar penalties are not unusual: AT&T agreed to pay a $1 million fine under TSCA. A manufacturer of paper products agreed to pay a $2.2 million fine and to implement a corporate-wide TSCA compliance program. A New Hampshire company agreed to a $2.3 million fine.

  • Enforcement this year is covering recordkeeping requirements, reporting of information to EPA, PCBs, PMNs, import requirements, export regulations, labeling and MSDS requirements, employee protection requirements, manufacturing, chemical use restrictions, and other TSCA requirements.

  • EPA sees TSCA settlements as having the greatest worker protection benefits, and thus is focusing its enforcement efforts on TSCA.

  • TSCA inspections are done without regard to past OSHA compliance, and have involved EPA's Criminal Enforcement Division.