Table of Contents for the 6-Volume Set and the Online Service
All 6 Volumes are full-text searchable via subscriber-only internet (Online) access
The Online service is your one-stop destination for all of your TSCA compliance and information needs, including the current TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances
Introduction to the Toxic Substances Control Act
- The Concept of "Unreasonable Risk" Under TSCA
- EPA's Use of TSCA in Controlling Potential Risks to Health and the Environment
- TSCA Requirements Concerning Testing of Chemical Substances and Mixtures
- Recordkeeping and Reporting of Information Under TSCA
- Citizens' Petitions and Citizens' Suits
- Section 4(f) Priority Review of Chemicals
- Relationship Between Section 4(f) Priority Review and OSHA Rulemaking
- Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violations
Recordkeeping And Reporting Requirements
- Reporting for the Initial and Revised TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances
- Reporting for the Chemical Data Reporting Rule ("CDR Rule")
- EPA Instructions for Reporting for the CDR Rule, Q & A's, and other CDR Rule Compliance Guidance
- Section 8(a) Preliminary Assessment Information Reporting ("PAIR") Requirement
- Section 8(c) Recordkeeping
Requirement Concerning Alleged Adverse Health or Environmental Effects
- Section 8(c) Record Call-Ins
- EPA Questions and Answers Concerning the Section 8(c) Recordkeeping Requirement
- Section 8(d) Health and Safety Data Reporting Requirement
- EPA Questions and Answers Concerning the Section 8(d) Health and Safety Data Reporting Requirement
- Section 8(e) Requirement
to Report Substantial Risks to Health or the Environment
- TSCA Section 8(e) Reporting Guide, Q&As, etc.
- Import Certification Requirement
- Export Notification Requirement
- EPA Guide for Chemical Importers/Exporters
- 40 CFR Part 704 Reporting Requirements
- Substantiation of Claims of Confidential Business Information ("CBI")
- Reporting Requirements for the TSCA Mercury Inventory
Premanufacture Notification (PMN) Requirements And Significant New Use Rules
- Premanufacture Notification
(PMN) Requirement for New Chemical Substances
- Premanufacture Notice Form and Related Forms
- EPA Instructions Manual for Premanufacture Notification
- Exemptions for Research and Development and Test Marketing
- Premanufacture Notification (PMN) Procedures for New Chemical Substances Produced in Low Volumes or with Low Environmental Releases and Low Human Exposures
- Exemption from the Premanufacture Notification (PMN) Requirements for Certain Polymers
- EPA Notification Procedures for New Chemicals Used in or for Instant Photographic or Peel-Apart Film Articles
- Notification to EPA of a Significant New Use of a Chemical Substance
- Polymers Manufactured Using Free-Radical Initiators; Clarification of Reporting Requirements
Regulation of Hazardous Chemical Substances And Mixtures
- Regulation of Metalworking Fluids
- Regulation of Polychlorinated
Biphenyls (PCBs)
- Guidance, Q&As, etc. Concerning PCBs
- Regulation of Fully Halogenated Chlorofluoroalkanes (CFCs)
- Regulation of Asbestos
- Introduction to the TSCA Requirements Concerning Asbestos
- Asbestos-Containing Material in Schools
- Employee Protection in Asbestos Abatement Projects
- Asbestos Export Notification Requirement
- Prohibition of the Manufacture, Importation, Processing, and Distribution in Commerce of Certain Asbestos-Containing Products
- Hexavalent Chromium Chemicals in Cooling Towers
- Regulation of Methylene Chloride and Certain Other Chemical Substances and Mixtures Under TSCA Section 6
Testing of Chemical Substances And Mixtures
- TSCA Requirements Concerning Testing of Chemical Substances and Mixtures
- Test Guidelines and Test Standards
- Good Laboratory Practice Standards (GLPs)
- Interagency Testing Committee
- Processes Used by EPA to
Require Testing
- Test Rule Development
- Negotiation of Testing Programs
- Use of Enforceable Consent Agreements
- Effect of Testing Requirements Concerning Polyhalogenated Dioxins and Furans
- Test Rule Development and Exemption Procedures
- Data Reimbursement
- Specific Chemical Substance Testing Requirements
- Dibenzo-para-Dioxins/Dibenzofurans
- Notification of Chemcial Export: Applicability of Final Test Rules
- TSCA Section 4(a)(1)(B) Final Statement of Policy
- High Production Volume (HPV) Testing Program
Other TSCA Provisions
- Procedures for Citizens to File Suit Under TSCA
- Guidance for Petitioning the US EPA to Issue, Amend, or Repeal a Rule or an Order
- Procedures for Rulemaking Under Section 6 of TSCA
- Regulation of Biotechnology
- Processing Fees for Certain Applications and Notices
- User Fees for Radon Proficiency Programs
- Disclosure Requirements Regarding Lead Paint When Selling or Leasing Housing
- Lead-Based Paint Activities in Target Housing and Child-Occupied Facilities
- Lead Hazard Disclosure Requirements
- Procedures for Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk Evaluation
- Procedures for Chemical Risk Evaluation
- Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products
TSCA Enforcement and Penalty Policies
- Includes all TSCA Enforcement and Penalty Policies, full-text searchable
by Subject
Index by CFR Section
Index by TSCA Section
Text of the Toxic Substances Control Act
- Includes the complete text of the Toxic Substances Control Act, full-text searchable